Thursday, December 8, 2011

Funny Jokes For Adults - Stand-Up Comedy Act

But First! Earning your own income in life without needing the general work force, is the best thing you could do. Whether it's stand-up comedy or a home based business, the Rat Race will always provide plenty of comedy and funny jokes for adults.

When you're at work they chain you behind a desk, or strap you to a bulldozer or whatever it is they make you do, and expect you to stay there from 9 a.m. to between 5 and 6 p.m. You get a half hour for lunch too! If you're lucky and you're not even eligible for retirement till you're 65. That's over 45 years of hard, back breaking labor you can expect! And it's 8 hours a day too, not including the 8 hours you spend winding down and the other 8 hours you spend sleeping it off.

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In fact if you work it out, out of a possible 45 years (and that's if you live long enough) you'll be lucky if you get 12 years real time to yourself. Twelve years, and what for? So you can devote most of your life working your guts out at a job you hate, earning just enough money to cover your costs for doing the job it self. Sound ridiculous? It is ridiculous. Take a minute to think about what you actually go through to earn the money that says what you are worth! With the funny jokes for adults and the typical 9 to 5 personal development is what will save you from it.

But then again you don't need me to tell you that, after all, you're probably sitting there thinking "When is he going to tell us more about stand-up comedy?" Fair enough, so let's begin. The first thing is to take account of your present situation. Are you at, or have you just finished school? Or do you currently have a job? If you are still at school, you may have to leave before doing it seriously. However this is also done, simply by a matter of not attending' any classes at all, ever again.

After the first few weeks they soon get sick of bothering to read your name at roll call, and assume you have left for good. For those who have already left or finished school, the matter is even simpler: A good place to start is at 12 step meetings where you can immediately start sharing your story, start making people laugh and telling more funny jokes for adults at the end of the meeting. Getting the right skills talking in front of people and making them laugh is a big challenge, it's a bit like catching a fish.

So congratulations, if you've decided to do stand-up comedy you have probably noticed, that making up funny jokes for adults all the time is not always easy, however your decision to cultivate this craft with profession skills will open up new doorways in your life and consist mainly of good financial rewards, lots of fun and the other fringe benefits you will enjoy are nothing short of unbelievable. If you are committed, passionate and motivated for success in this industry, then you will succeed.

Funny Jokes For Adults - Stand-Up Comedy Act

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